(No Morning Meeting)

You and your guest are cordially invited to join us for Harbortown's Annual Holiday Party this Wednesday evening, December 7th at 5:30pm in the West Lounge - Kitchi Gammi Club, 831 E Superior St, Duluth, MN 55802 for Harbortown's annual Holiday Party!
We'll enjoy delicious hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, fellowship, and live holiday music from the Denfeld Jazz Ensemble! Don't forget to wear your favorite ugliest holiday sweater for a chance to win best dressed!
Have yet to RSVP? Please contact Chloe Strand (218.340.2531).
$25.00 per person. This fee covers the cost of food, staff, and gratuity.
Rotary International Committee Meeting
This Join Harbortown's International Committee this Thursday, December 8th at 4:00pm at Wild State Cider for their quarterly meeting.
The committee will discuss updated on the 20 de Septiembre Health Center project, Dream Fund project, Bolivia trip, and committee duties. Interested in joining?
Please let Nathan Sager know you will be coming (

ClubRunner Help and Updates
Need help making changes in ClubRunner? Please contact Harbortown Rotary President Mary (

Christmas Basket Pass the Hat
gift boxes
On December 28th, Harbortown Rotary will pass the hat for Christmas baskets for families in need. We encourage our members to be extra generous in providing the support they can to those in need. If you would like to Venmo instead, please contact President Mary. Thank you!

Rotary Foundation

Thank you Harbortown for an incredible Rotary Foundation Day!

If you were not able to participate in Foundation Day, it's not too late to pledge! Please let Amber know your pledge amount, write your check to The Rotary Foundation, and give it to Amber. You may also contribute online! If you contribute online, make sure to list your Rotary ID number.

The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.


  Foundation Month | Rotary Club of North Canton

Rotary Events and Hands On Projects 
Mark your calendars for Harbortown's upcoming hands on projects and gatherings!
person in red sweater holding babys hand
  • January:
    • Wednesday, January 4th - Evening Social Gathering at Lake Superior Brewing (No Morning Meeting)
    • Tuesday, January 10th - Investment Club Meeting (Contact Jinell Abernethy: or 218.428.2800)
    • Wednesday, January 11th - Volunteering at Hermantown Essentia (No Morning Meeting)
    • Thursday, January 19th - Rotary 101 Round Table
    • Wednesday, January 25th - Junior Rotarian Breakfast

    Rotarians in the Community
    On Thanksgiving Day, Rotarian exchange student Kishiro ran the Gobble Gallop with Romesh Lakhan and his host family! Way to get out there!

    Dickinson Donates to Harbortown Rotary
    On Wednesday, Karl Everett (Karlos) received a check from the Dickenson Rotary Club for $1000 to support the Bolivia Dream Fund student scholarships, that Matt Thibodeau initiated and spoke about on Foundation Day. The Dickenson club also provided the final donation needed to receive the matching grant from the District for the Viente de Septiembre medical clinic in Bolivia. Once we receive the grant money, Harbortown can move forward with Mano a Mano Bolivia to initiate the construction of the project! They plan to start the construction in December and complete the project in four months. They are planning to have the clinic in operation by April 2023. You are all invited to attend the dedication of the clinic, which will be a spectacular event, and visit with the Dream Fund students. We are planning The Great Bolivia Adventure on April 13th to the +/-23rd 2023. Please join us! Contact Karl Everett for more information and to reserve a place on the trip.

    Coffee Coffee Coffee!
    Please stop by London Road Rental (1710 London Rd) to pick-up your coffee orders! 
    Please mark on the sheet by the coffee boxes what coffee you picked and how many OR email Rob Haglin ( what you picked up so the club can keep track.
    Unable to make it down for pickup? Please email Rob.

    Rotary Goes to Bolivia - April 2023
    I'd like to invite you on an adventure to Bolivia scheduled April 13th - 23rd, 2023 to visit the many Rotary projects you have helped support. 
    Enclosed is a Mano a Mano brochure describing the adventure.  Please contact me if you have any questions, or need additional information. 
    Mano a Mano’s Center for Ecological Agriculture: Water, Food, Health and Education: A Journey to Learn
    Mano a Mano and Harbortown Rotary invites you to join us on a ten-day trip to Cochabamba, Bolivia. Through this unique travel experience you will meet high Andean subsistence farm families and become immersed in their daily lives. The trip will provide an up-close view of how Mano a Mano teaches farming practices that protect the fragile natural environment and improve health. Travelers will take part in Mano a Mano’s distribution of the nearly 200,000 pounds of medical and school supplies that Minnesota volunteers collect, sort, pack and ship to our Bolivian sister organizations each year. Throughout this journey, you will see projects that accomplished our original vision and so much more.
    What is Mano a Mano International? Mano a Mano is a grass-roots non-profit organization based in St. Paul, MN whose mission is to create partnerships with poor Bolivian communities that improve health and increase economic well-being.
    Who can go on this trip? Adults and children who are accompanied by a parent or guardian are welcome. While Spanish speaking ability is highly valued, it is not essential. Interpreters will be available throughout all trip activities.

    Where will we stay? Mano a Mano will reserve a block of rooms in a comfortable, clean hotel in Cochabamba. Private single or double rooms are available.
    Where will we go? Our destination is Cochabamba, Bolivia’s third largest city, located in the Andes at about 8,000 feet above sea level. We will also travel to rural communities that tourists rarely visit.
    For more information and any questions, please contact Karlos (Karl) Everett (

    Mary's Corner

    Rotary Magazine published a series of conversations with 37 leaders in a variety of fields over a period of 12 years. The full conversations were published in the magazine during that time and produced a summary of the conversations in December 2021. President Mary ends each of Harbortown's regular meetings with a quote from someone involved in those conversations.

    The quote from the December 14th meeting was on the subject of Rotary from Steven Radelet, Director of the Global Human Development Program at Georgetown University.

    "I love speaking to Rotary groups because they're fun and they're energetic and they're full of people who are committed to making the world a better place."

    Steven Radelet - GHD

    Have a good week. Reach out to members that you haven't seen in a while. Let them know you miss them, and encourage them to join us at a morning meeting, service project, or social event! Be kind to yourself and others.

    Upcoming Program Duties
    If you have an upcoming program duty (please check the upcoming duty roster), please be sure to secure a speaker and provide notice to Chloe Strand ( as soon as that speaker is confirmed. If you are unable to confirm a speaker, please contact Rick Oase ( or Stephanie Judd ( for help, consider other program ideas like a Ted Talk, presenting yourself on a relevant topic or your business, or creating some excitement for a community organization you are passionate about. It is your program, so think about what is interesting and engaging to you and share it with others! 
    If for some reason you are unable to switch duties with another member or you have simply exhausted all efforts to find a speaker, please notify Rick or Stephanie no later than 3 business days before the meeting (the Friday before the meeting your program is scheduled).
    President Mary Durward is bringing her laptop to the Kitchi Gammi Club for weekly Harbortown meetings. Presenters may bring a USB drive with the PowerPoint presentation (or whatever is wanted to be shown on the projector while speaking). Please share this information with your program's presenter.
    Thank you for your help and thank you to all who are working hard to find engaging content for our upcoming sessions!
    Upcoming Program Duties:
    01.04 - Evening Harbortown Happy Hour at Lake Superior Brewing (No morning meeting)
    01.11 - Essentia Hermantown Service Project (4:00pm - 6:00pm)
    01.18 - Morning Fireside / Annual Meeting
    01.25 - Rick Oase
    02.01 - Pat Finney
    02.08 - Service Project
    02.15 - Dan Holm
    02.22 - Judy Seliga-Punyko
    03.01 - Max Holm
    03.08 - Service Project
    03.15 - Mary Jo Kroska
    03.22 - Casey Nies
    03.29 - Michelle Schubitzke

    Harbortown News
    For news, announcements, event promotion, social media, media releases, and more, please contact Charity Johnson (  /  218-788-7288) and Chloe Strand (  /  218.340.2531).
    For Scuttlebutt: If you are hosting the program speaker, please copy Chloe on the speaker's name, organization, and email. If you are the chair of a Harbortown Committee, please update Chloe on relevant information regarding grants and awards, meetings or news. Chloe and Charity will use this information to create more dynamic and engaging content to share with potential club members and on social media!
    It is our goal to continue to share the good work that Harbortown Rotary is doing in our community, so your help and support is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
    Harbortown Rotary 2022
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