Morning Meeting:
Leanne Joynes
General Manager, Kitchi Gammi Club

Join us this Wednesday morning at 7:30am in the Great Hall - Kitchi Gammi Club (831 E Superior St, Duluth, MN 55802) as we hear from Leanne Joynes, General Manager of the Kitchi Gammi Club.

Joynes and her guest Club Historian Dennis Lamkin will speak to Harbortown on the history of the Kitchi Gammi Club. 
Joynes thoroughly enjoys her position as General Manager at the Kitchi Gammi Club. Her skill sets and love of hospitality have served her well at the oldest club in Minnesota. Joynes says being the first woman to serve in this capacity is an honor and an opportunity, and she looks forward to continually increasing membership and usage, creating new events, and bettering the member experience for every member. Duluth is full of history and heritage and "the club" has been a part of that since 1883; it will continue to showcase Duluth's future as well as stand as an icon of tradition in our beautiful city.
The Chronicles of the Kitch - Kitchi Gammi Club
2023 Shoot for Fun Volunteers Needed

Courage Kenny Fun Shoot

 September 09, 2023

The 25th Annual Shoot for Fun benefitting Northland Adaptive Recreation (formerly Courage Kenny) is still in need of volunteers for September 9th at Old Vermillion Trail!

Courage Kenny's mission is to give all people with disabilities the chance to participate in sports and recreation without limitation.

This is event is a huge and amazingly well-run fundraiser for a wonderful organization – bringing in around $200,000 in one day, to provide funding for things like adaptive skiing, fishing, biking, curling, sailing, power soccer, and more.
They still need volunteers for the day of the event. You will get plenty of breaks and will be very well-fed (minimum age to volunteer is 16.) Whether working the silent auction tent or being a “button pusher” at a shooting station, you are bound to see lots of familiar faces and have a great time.
Please join us by either scanning the QR code in the flyer or clicking the link below to sign up.

Rotary District 5580 - Cross Currents
Membership and New Club Development Month
Shekhar Mehta

R. Gordon R. McInally

President 2023-24

(Presidential message retrieved from:

August 2023

At the 2023 Rotary International Convention in Melbourne, I asked all Rotary members to become champions in our effort to illuminate mental health needs near and far. This includes helping one another feel more supported, advocating for mental health services, and building bridges with experts in the field to expand access to treatment.  

It’s an important task and a big ask. But it’s also something that should feel familiar to every Rotary member — because everything we do is in the spirit of caring, giving, friendship, and compassion, and has been from the beginning of our organization.

Rotary Magazine - October 2023
main image

In public health, you don't see what you don't look for. So polio and other disease hunters run vast surveillance operations. In this issue of Rotary magazine, we take you to a largely hidden frontline in the fight against polio. Learn how this detective work is done, including its decidedly unglamorous side (one key to helping ensure a polio-free world is poop). Then, be part of history and help us build awareness on World Polio Day on 24 October.

Click here to read the October 2023 issue. The link will take you to your digital copy, which you can read using any common web browser.

This past July saw the hottest global average temperature in about 125,000 years, according to scientists. In another of this month's features, we take stock of a season of heat, fire, and floods, and how Rotary members are responding to aid victims of climate disasters.

And finally, we bring you two stories — one in photos, one in words — celebrating Rotary Youth Exchange, which has been promoting international understanding for nearly 50 years. Three students share their exciting year in Brazil. And journalist Sharon Basco reflects on the youth exchange that helped launch her career.

Rotarian Birthdays

Happy Birthday Rotarians!

What to Write in a Birthday Card - Unique Happy Birthday Wishes
Happy birthday to our Harbortown Rotarians celebrating this October!
Mitchell Diers - October 4
Duane Holm - October 11
Jim Grub - October 12
Nathan Sager - October 20
Have a birthday this month but don't see it here? Make sure to update your information in Club Runner so we can recognize you!

Happy Rotary Anniversary!
Happy Harbortown Rotary October Anniversaries to our following members!
We so greatly appreciate your commitment to service.
Bob Hansen (37 Years)
Bob MacLean (26 Years)
Lisa Mitchell-Krocak (18 Years)
Carl Maki (5 Years)
Jim Boileau (4 Years)

Upcoming Program Duties
If you have an upcoming program duty (please check the upcoming duty roster), please be sure to secure a speaker and provide notice to Chloe Strand ( as soon as that speaker is confirmed. If you are unable to confirm a speaker, please contact Rick Oase ( or Stephanie Judd ( for help, consider other program ideas like a Ted Talk, presenting yourself on a relevant topic or your business, or creating some excitement for a community organization you are passionate about. It is your program, so think about what is interesting and engaging to you and share it with others! 
If for some reason you are unable to switch duties with another member or you have simply exhausted all efforts to find a speaker, please notify Rick or Stephanie no later than 3 business days before the meeting (the Friday before the meeting your program is scheduled).
Harbortown Rotary has a Windows 11 laptop at the Kitchi Gammi Club for weekly Harbortown meetings. Presenters may bring a USB drive with the PowerPoint presentation (or whatever is wanted to be shown on the projector while speaking). Please share this information with your program's presenter. 
Thank you for your help and thank you to all who are working hard to find engaging content for our upcoming sessions!
Upcoming Program Duties:
10.18 - Junior Rotarian Welcome Breakfast
10.25 - Evening Gathering for All Twin Ports Rotary Clubs (No Morning Meeting) - Program: Rotary Foundation
11.01 - Foundation Day
11.08 - Service Project
11.15 - Chip Jacobs
11.22 - Chris Dahlberg
11.29 - Jerry Kortesmaki
12.06 - Mary Jo Kroska
12.13 - Service Project 
12.20 - Bob Lindquist
12.27 - Karl Everett

Harbortown News
For news, announcements, event promotion, social media, media releases, and more, please contact Charity Johnson (  /  218.788.7288) and Chloe Strand (  /  218.340.2531).
For Scuttlebutt: If you are hosting the program speaker, please copy Chloe on the speaker's name, organization, and email. If you are the chair of a Harbortown Committee, please update Chloe on relevant information regarding grants and awards, meetings or news. Chloe and Charity will use this information to create more dynamic and engaging content to share with potential club members and on social media!
It is our goal to continue to share the good work that Harbortown Rotary is doing in our community, so your help and support is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Harbortown Rotary 2023
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