Only two weeks left before the big cash extravaganza! We have 130 tickets left to collect, so please keep those tickets coming in! All cash raffle tickets need to be turned in, regardless of whether they have been sold or not, by absolutely no later then June 22nd as they need to be present for the June 23rd raffle date.
Please give me a call, or shoot me an email if you would like me to pick up stubs and cash to turn in on your behalf. Here is a quick update on our Cash Raffle fundraiser so far:
  • 370 Sold Tickets have been turned in to date. 
  • 130 Tickets need to be turned in. 
  • All tickets are distributed out to members
Turn in unsold tickets to Greg Goldman and Tony Hansen as soon as possible so they can redistribute to member looking for more tickets.
Thank you everyone for the continued support!
Tony Hansen
Cell: (218) 343-6499